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is an extention of the FBI and is a database of genetic material of felons and missing people. Beginning in the 1990 as a small project, it took off when the DNA Identification Act of 1994 which allowed the collection and documentation of biological matter. (1.3, 1.4)




Innovation and improvements cannot be made without the drive behind them. These groups usher on the modern age of DNA and of many applications

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A company based on the idea of ancestry, 23andMe analyzes your genetic code through your cheek cells. Costing around $99 they offer family trees, genetic similarities toward ethnic groups and a chance for ordinary people to look into their own genome.


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Or the National Center for Biotechnology Information is a collection of databases in order to "understand nature's mute but elegant language" through DNA. Create in 1988 under the National Library of Medicine, it is largest biomedical research facility in the world. 1.12



The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes is a Japanese form of the US NCBI. Based in Kanehisa Laboritories, it allows users to view genes, proteins, and metabolic maps among various 1.14



Is a collaborative database on the topic of DNA study. It is named after the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) or the accidental change in and is a source of genetic variation within a population. For example, SNPedia discusses variants of a certain gene, their nucleotide sequence, and the possible resulting expression of this change. 1.16, 1.17


Alzheimer's Disease: Chromosome 19q

Reference SNP: rs429358

Click here to learn more about SNP




A leading biotechnology company, Genentech develops medicines that treat severe diseases that confound and are not treatable through traditional methods of modern day medicines. Cancer is one example. 1.20  

Here is a video about Genetech is helping mankind

One example of a product is Pegasys, an antiviral drug for Heptatitis C.


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